
This is Sinuc
Sinuc is a fictional character created by Sonicfire35 on Scratch
After i found his project contaning the funny sonic, i named him Sinuc and made an animation about him
The animations plot is that Sinuc is having a good day, then a cloud is being rude so he destroys it. But then Doctor Eggeater comes in and tells Sinuc that he stole his mother, so he goes through Green Pills Zone. He makes it to Marioble Zone with all the funny marios and falls in the lava. He screams for his mom but then soon remembers she is kidnapped. At the end of the lava, He makes it to Big Bouncy Castle Zone and bounces a lot, but then teleports to DROWN ZONE and DROWNS. after that he teleports to scraped brain and then falls into the floor and enters DROWN ZONE and DROWNS AGAIN . Then he meets a new enemie, Morbius. They then have a big battle and the animation ends
Facts about Sinuc
- Sinucs favorite food is doorframes
- Sinuc has two freinds, Teals, and Chunkles
- The original Sinuc animation was made at CodeNinjas
Things you should do
- Heart sinuc the hotdog
- Favorite sinuc the hotdog
- Watch sinuc the hotdog
More Sinuc coming soon!